Looking at the bright side of life stock

The United Nations continues to see pastoralism as a main reason for desertification, says Drynet, a global initiative on drylands. But a large number of scientific studies contradict this, and instead show the positive effects of pastoralism as a land-use strategy. LPP’s Ilse Koehler-Rollefson and Silke Brehm have collated some of the bright aspects of pastoralism.

  • Title: Looking at the bright side of life stock
  • Author: DryNet / DryNet / 2012
  • Description: The United Nations continues to see pastoralism as a main reason for desertification, says Drynet, a global initiative on drylands
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  • Pages: 5

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    Exploring Orissa’s animal cultures with Dr. Balaram’s pathe pathshala

    The eastern Indian state of Orissa has a wealth of local livestock breeds, LPP’s Ilse Koehler-Rollefson has learned. She visited farmers who raise Ghunsur cattle and goats, a group of nomadic pig herders, and duck keepers near the coast. She also took part in a “roadside university”, or pathe pathshala, run by Balaram Sahu, a veterinarian from Orissa, to discuss livestock health and management with local people.

  • Title: Exploring Orissa’s animal cultures with Dr. Balaram’s pathe pathshala
  • Author: Ilse Köhler-Rollefson / League for Pastoral Peoples and Endogenous Livestock Development and Local Livestock for Empowerment (LIFE) Network / 2011
  • Description: The eastern Indian state of Orissa has a wealth of local livestock breeds, LPP's Ilse Koehler-Rollefson has learned
  • Format: Pdf
  • Pages: 11

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    Vielfalt statt Monopoly: Für einen Fortbestand der traditionellen Nutztierrassen und der Kultur ihrer Hüter

    Call for livestock-based culture instead of livestock industry; identity instead of rural depopulation, livestock keepers’ rights instead of monopoly, and participation in value chains instead of overproduction by a few giant firms

  • Title: Vielfalt statt Monopoly: Für einen Fortbestand der traditionellen Nutztierrassen und der Kultur ihrer Hüter
  • Author: LPP / League for Pastoral Peoples and Endogenous Livestock Development and Local Livestock for Empowerment (LIFE) Network / LIFE Network / 2011
  • Description: Call for livestock-based culture instead of livestock industry
  • Format: Zip
  • Pages: 8

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