Accounting for pastoralists in Afghanistan

The rangelands that cover much of Afghanistan provide forage for livestock and support millions of pastoralists. Fully or partly nomadic pastoralists, known as “Kuchi”, make up around 10% of Afghanistan’s population. They migrate between summer pastures in the highlands and winter pastures in the lowlands. Some pastoralists have settled permanently and graze their animals year-round on communal pastures nearby. Others no longer own animals but retain their Kuchi identity. The pastoralists own more than 70% of the country’s livestock and produce most of the live animals and meat consumed there. Many pastoralists are poor and marginalized, lacking education, health and other services. Securing access to their traditional grazing lands is a major problem. Accurate, updated information on pastoralism is scarce. This hinders the design of policies and suitable interventions. A conducive socio-political environment and supportive policies are essential to ensure the sustainability of pastoralism.

  • Title: Accounting for pastoralism in Afghanistan
  • Author: Khurshid Muhammad
  • Description: Information brief
  • Format: Pdf
  • Pages: 6

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    Accounting for pastoralists in Pakistan

    Rangelands are the main land use in Pakistan, providing forage for livestock and supporting millions of pastoralists. Traditional pastoralism is a centuries-old production system, sustained by nomadic, transhumant and sedentary pastoralists. Major pastoral regions in Pakistan include the Hindu Kush-Himalayan and Karakoram ranges, arid and semi-arid scrublands of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan, and the sandy deserts of Thal, Thar and Cholistan.
    Pastoralists contribute significantly to national food security, subsistence and economy. But they face numerous challenges: land degradation, land grabbing, socio-political marginalization and competition over natural resources, unfavourable policies, climate change and environmental hazards. Pastoralists are not officially recognized, so their contributions are often not accounted official records. Reliable data is lacking. Pastoralism in Pakistan is declining due to various socio-political and ecological challenges.

  • Title: Accounting for pastoralists in Pakistan
  • Author: Khurshid Muhammad
  • Description: Information brief
  • Format: Pdf
  • Pages: 6

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    Valorizando pastoralistas em Moçambique

    O agro-pecuária é a principal forma de produção pecuária em Moçambique. Está concentrado nas províncias mais secas, centrais e meridionais, longe das áreas infestadas pelo tsé-tsé. Enquanto as galinhas e cabras são mais numerosas, o gado bovino é o tipo de gado mais importante. São uma fonte de rendimento e poder de tracção, uma reserva de riqueza e importante culturalmente. O gado é uma fonte de rendimento vital para um grande número de agricultores, especialmente no sul do país.

    O agro-pecuária e a segurança alimentar poderiam ser melhorados através de melhores serviços veterinários, melhor alimentação e abeberamento na estação seca, e criação com base em raças locais. O agropecuária não é oficialmente reconhecido como uma forma de gestão, e não figura de forma proeminente nas políticas governamentais. Serão necessários dados melhores, mais frequentes e mais detalhados se Moçambique quiser tirar partido das oportunidades apresentadas pelo gado para o seu desenvolvimento agrícola.

    Também em inglês.

  • Title: Valorizando pastoralistas em Moçambique
  • Author: Jacob Wanyama e Romuald Rutazihana
  • Description: Resumo informativo
  • Format: Pdf
  • Pages: 6

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