Agrobiodiversity in drylands

Evelyn Mathias
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Technische Zusammenarbeit (GTZ), 2010
“When it rains and drylands bloom, one realises the remarkable diversity of living organisms they harbour. Long overlooked, this diversity is crucial to the food security of a large share of the world’s population.”
This information brief describes the importance of dryland agricultural biodiversity, outlines the threats facing it, and points to the key role that local people play in conserving it.
Download 311 kb
Recognising ethnoveterinary medicine and community rights

An investment in our future
Evelyn Mathias
Presentation at the conference on “Ethnoveterinary medicine: Tradition, science, cultural richness”. Bologna, 29 October 2010. Società Italiana di Veterinaria e Zootecnia Tropicale per la cooperazione internazionale Veterinari Senza Frontiere Italia
Download presentation 1413 kb
Download summary 19 kb
Sign the Declaration on Livestock Keepers’ Rights!

The Declaration on Livestock Keepers’ Rights lists three principles and five rights that make up Livestock Keepers’ Rights, and provides the legal instruments underpinning these rights in international law.
The Declaration was distributed at the tenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP 10) of the Convention on Biological Diversity in Nagoya, Japan, from 18 to 29 October 2010.
Nearly 30 organizations and numerous individuals involved in livestock development have signed the Declaration.
If you would like to sign, please contact: LPP’s Ilse Koehler-Rollefson or Sabine Poth, Please indicate whether you would like to sign as an organization, an individual, or both.
Download the Declaration 70 kb
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