Indigenous breeds, local communities

Documenting animal breeds and breeding from a community perspective
Lokhit Pashu-Palak Sansthan and Ilse Köhler-Rollefson, 2005
This manual describes the threats to indigenous breeds of livestock, and how to document them as a first step in conserving them in collaboration with the communities where they evolved. The manual was produced with support from GTZ.
Download 530 kb, 80 pages
Building an international legal framework on animal genetic resources

by Ilse Köhler-Rollefson
This paper provides arguments for an international agreement to govern the genetic resources of farm animals. How can breeds and genes be conserved, where are the biodiversity hotspots, and what should an international agreement cover?
Click here for a summary
Download 229 kb, 29 pages
Yatra diary
LPP’s Ilse Köhler-Rollefson and Hanwant Singh Rathore of Lokhit Pashu-Palak Sansthan completed their yatra, or pilgrimage, through Rajasthan’s prime camel-breeding areas with a parade through the city of Bikaner on 13 February. The yatra highlighted how the decline in camel numbers is affecting people, the economy and ecology in this arid Indian state. Here is Ilse’s latest report.
12 February 2005
Yatra arrives in Bikaner
We have arrived in Bikaner, and I am happy to report that all 12 members of our expedition and the five camels (as well as a dog which joined us about 180 km ago) are in fine fettle. We received a very warm welcome by the National Research Centre on Camel and had the first hot showers since the start of the yatra.

India TV covered most of our last day, which was very exhausting because of the extremely heavy traffic that we had to wade through for about 12 km in order to reach the NRCC. However, our camels did not blink an eyelid among throngs of trucks, military vehicles with tanks, and the ugly urban jungle.
It will take some time to get used to normal life again, and we all already miss the silence of the desert and the hospitality of its people. We have seen how far tubewells, tractors and high-yielding crop cultivation have made inroads into the desert, and it is not a pretty picture. Of course, I will be accused of romanticizing, but in the remote areas people seem to be happiest and most hospitable. The famous Thari culture is still alive in many places. It has been a fantastically fulfilling experience, and Hanwant has already said we should do a yatra every year.
Previous pages in Ilse’s diary
More information about the yatra.