Supporting livestock keepers and breed conservation

Conference on livestock biodiversity, indigenous knowledge and and intellectual property rights, organized by the League for Pastoral Peoples in Bellagio, Italy, 27 March – 2 April 2006
To discuss the following issues:
- How to endorse and acknowledge the role of livestock keepers in conserving diversity and ensure that their contribution to the sustainable use of animal genetic resources is rewarded and supported.
- What are the legal options for protecting animal breeding related indigenous knowledge in the context of existing legal frameworks and emerging opportunities and new models. What are the respective advantages and disadvantages?
The participants concluded that in the (near) future the patenting of breeding processes and individual genes may restrict the rights of the communities and individuals to breed, manage and use their own livestock as they choose. Besides impacting rural livelihoods in a negative way, this would also pose a threat to the viability and continued development of the breeds. For example, a broad patent claim recently filed in 160 countries would, if approved, restrict the rights of breeders to use commonly practised breeding techniques for pigs.
The meeting participants unanimously recommended the legal recognition of livestock keepers’ inherent rights to continue to use and develop their own breeding stock and breeding practices. National governments must recognize these rights, acknowledge livestock keepers’ contribution to national economies, and adapt their policies and legal frameworks accordingly.
Participants regarded this as an important step in preventing the current intellectual property system from being exploited for obtaining control over animal resources and breeding processes that compose a principal part of the world’s food supply.
Summary of discussions and more information
Farm animal genetic resources

Safeguarding national assets for food security and trade
by Ilse Köhler-Rollefson
GTZ, FAO, CTA, 2004
Summary of four workshops on livestock genetic resources held in Mozambique, Angola, Zambia and Swaziland.
Download 1163 kb, 54 pages
Sheep pastoralism in Rajasthan: Still a viable livelihood option?

Workshop hosted by Rajasthan Chervaha Vikas Sangatan (Rajasthan Pastoralist Development Association) and Lokhit Pashu-Palak Sansthan
31 January – 1 February 2005, Sadri, District Pali, Rajasthan
Sheep pastoralism has always been an important and typical livelihood strategy in western Rajasthan, practised not only by traditional pastoralist castes, but also by “non-traditional” pastoralists, because of its good economic returns.
However between 1998 and 2003, Rajasthan’s sheep population declined by 31%.
What are the reasons behind this regression – drought, inappropriate policies, globalization, or lack of interest in the young generation? How is this development reflected at the micro-level, and what does it mean to the livelihoods of sheep breeders and rural economies? Does the trend of declining sheep numbers have repercussions on the state’s economy and ecology? Is the time of sheep pastoralism gone in this day and age? Should and can something be done to reverse the declining sheep numbers, and if yes, what?
These are some of the questions to be covered at a two-day workshop organized by Lokhit Pashu-Palak Sansthan and the Rajasthan Chervaha Vikas Sangatan in the context of a Misereor-supported project to strengthen the sheep breeders of the Godwar area.
It will bring together sheep breeders, policy makers, government officials, as well as NGOs and aims at formulating a concrete set of recommendations for policy makers that is informed by the needs of poor livestock dependent people.
The following topics will be addressed:
- Sheep nutrition and grazing problems: the crux of the matter?
- Sheep health care: do government interventions have an impact?
- Sheep breeding: are indigenous breeds losing out?
- Sheep breeders’ indigenous knowledge: how can it become appreciated?
- Meat production: can sheep compete with goats?
- Wool production: can Rajasthani sheep breeders be competitive?
- Organizational strengthening of sheep breeders: the way forward?
- Insurance for sheep pastoralists: what should it look like?
- Education for sheep pastoralists: how can traditional and modern knowledge be combined?
There will also be a field visit organized by the Raika Sangarsh Samiti.
Venue: Lokhit Pashu-Palak Sansthan, Butibagh, near Mammaji-ki-Dhuni, Alsipura, via Rajpura, Sadri, District Pali, Rajasthan.
For further information, please contact LPPS at tel. 02934-285086, mobile 941418564, email
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