Die Maasai Leiden, und niemand will ihre Schreien hören

“The Maasai are suffering, and no one hears their cries”
A radio segment was broadcast on the Deutschlandfunk (a international German radio station) on 18 June 2010. It describes how pastoralists in Africa are being driven from their traditional grazing lands so farming concerns can plant crops for biodiesel, or to create wildlife reserves that attract tourists.
The segment (in German) features Tanzanian activist and member of the LIFE Network Eliamani Lalteika and LPP’s Ilse Köhler-Rollefson.
Biocultural protocols for Samburu and Pashtoon published

The Pashtoon of Pakistan and the Samburu of Kenya are the latest groups of pastoralists to develop biocultural protocols that detail their community’s breeds, their traditional knowledge of their animals, and their lifestyle in relation to the environment.
They join the Raika of Rajasthan in documenting their breeds and culture in an attempt to defend their traditional knowledge and lifestyle.
Click here and here for more.
Practical guidelines on Livestock Keepers’ Rights

Livestock Keeper’s Rights are three principles and five rights that ensure that livestock keepers can continue raising their animals.
Supporting livelihoods and local livestock breeds: Guidelines for putting Livestock Keepers’ Rights into practice gives practical guidelines on how development professionals, private companies, researchers, governments and policymakers can turn the rights into practice.
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