7th session of the ITWG-AnGR

The 7th session of the Intergovernmental Technical Working Group on Animal Genetic Resources (ITWG-AnGR) is meeting at FAO in Rome from 24-26th October. Agenda-items include the preparation of the second report on the state of the world’s animal genetic resources, the role of small-scale livestock keepers, and Access and Benefit-Sharing (ABS). A special side-event took place on 24th on the subject of Biocultural Community Protocols and ABS which was hosted by the Dutch and the Brasilian governments. The LPP/LIFE Network presentation can be downloaded here. The others should become available soon.

A press release by FAO emphasizes that indigenous breeds are crucial for food security and “small-scale livestock keepers” are a separate agenda-item!

Pastoralists flock to CBD COP 11 in Hyderabad to make their case as “guardians of biological diversity”

A Bargur Hill Cattle breeder from Tamil Nadu

Pastoralists from all over India have started assembling here in the south Indian metropolis of Hyderabad to make their voices heard and get their contribution to biodiversity conservation recognised during the 11th Conference of the Parties (COP) to the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).They are especially concerned about the problems they encounter in getting their forest rights recognised. A statement signed onto by many of these groups can be downloaded here.
In a special side-event organised by LPP and the LIFE Network to be held on 12th October, pastoralists and supporting researchers will present new results about the way livestock keepers utilize bio-diverse vegetation to contribute to food security, especially of the poor. The side-event is entitled Caravans of Biodiversity and will take place in the lunch break.

Outputs of Livestock Futures Conference are now available on-line.

Concluding panel with (l.t.r.) Doris Lange (DAFA), Stefan Schmitz (BMZ), Ulrike Höfken (Minister), Gudrun Henne (Viveka International), Henning Steinfeld (FAO), and Karin Schwabenbauer (BMELV)

The presentations and results of the international conference about “Livestock Futures” held in Bonn on 6th and 7th September are now on line and can be downloaded here. More candid photos from the conference by Gemma Julia have been uploaded here.

Watch our conference Video!