The League for Pastoral Peoples and Endogenous Livestock Development is a founder member of Drynet, a project focusing on:
- Desertification, drylands and land degradation
- Communities living in affected areas and their coping strategies
- Efforts to combat desertification and land degradation due to unsustainable practices and climate change.
This European Union-funded project, launched on 17 June, the United Nations World Day to Combat Desertification, aims to strengthen civil society networks, such as farmers’ collectives, indigenous groups, women’s organizations, trade unions and non-governmental organizations with knowledge and visibility to influence dryland development policies in affected countries.
The League’s Indian partner, Rajasthan-based Lokhit Pashu-Palak Sansthan, is also a founder member of Drynet.
Other partner organizations are from Iran, Turkey, Pakistan, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Mauritania, South Africa, Senegal, Kazakhstan, the Netherlands, and France. BothEnds, an organization based in the Netherlands, coordinates the project.
Click here to access the Drynet website.
Click here for more information. 17 kb
Questions? Send an e-mail to drynet@bothends.org or contact Danielle de Man at the Both ENDS office: +31 (0)20 623 0823