The role of pastoralism in Germany

Evelyn Mathias, Günther Czerkus and Andreas Schenk.

League for Pastoral Peoples and Endogenous Livestock Development, 2022.

This detailed study of the role of pastoralism in Germany argues that a small number of mobile pastoralists make an outsized contribution to the landscape and environmental conservation in Germany. Around 1,000 full-time shepherds manage some 70% of the national flock, they include transhumant (mobile) shepherds who move long distances between winter and summer pastures, and location-bound herders, who graze their sheep and goats in a more or less wide radius around the homestead. In addition, mountain farming in the Alps involves cattle, plus some sheep, goats and horses moving between summer mountain pastures and winter quarters in the valleys. These herders provide various environmental services, including maintaining landscapes, protecting land from flooding, erosion and fire, and maintaining grassland that preserves the quality of groundwater. Official statistics do not include pastoralism as a management system, so its value and its contribution is largely unrecognized.

Accounting for Pastoralists: Three new studies

Announcing three new studies in LPP’s Accounting for Pastoralists series – for Iran, Mozambique (in English and Portuguese) and Spain.

Pastoralism is important for livestock production, the economy and society in all three countries. It is a vital part of environmental management and culture. Yet finding reliable information on pastoralism is very difficult. Official statistics do not recognize it as a category, leaving policymakers and civil society in the dark. If pastoralists are not recognized, their contributions to the environment, economy and society will also be ignored.

The Accounting for Pastoralists series brings together information about pastoralism in each country – a first step in increasing the visibility and recognition of these groups.

Previous briefs cover Argentina, Germany, India, Kenya and Uganda. A summary brief analyses the results of these studies and recommends that FAO take the lead in initiating data collection on pastoralism and livestock production systems in each country.

Godwar Camel Cheese Fest

LPP is proud to support a special event of its partner organizations in Rajasthan, Lokhit Pashu-Palak Sansthan and Camel Charisma, the Godwar Camel Cheese Fest that seeks to draw attention to the culinary potential of various camel dairy products, especially cheeses, on 23rd and 24th November.

This is all-out effort to support the livelihoods of Raika camel nomads, to save camels, and Rajasthan’s globally unique camel culture. The fest will also highlight the concept of cruelty-free milk, and along with the opportunity to enjoy a camel cheese tasting menu, there will be a chance to mingle with camel breeders, enjoy an evening under the stars among a camel herd, undergo the aak leaf ritual (the traditional way of drinking camel milk), and learn about the history of camel cheese.

Here is the detailed programme and if you happen to be in Rajasthan and would like to participate, please reserve your seat here!