Rajasthan Chief Minister commits to camels
Rajasthan Chief Minister commits to camels

11 January 2008 was the first death anniversary of Bhopala Ram Raika, a famous leader of the Raika camel pastoralists of Rajasthan. Thousands of Raika gathered to mark the event, with Vasundhra Raje, Chief Minister of Rajasthan, as guest of honour.
Ilse Koehler-Rollefson of the League for Pastoral Peoples and Endogenous Livestock Development, and Hanwant Singh, director of Rajasthan NGO Lokhit Pashu-Palak Sansthan, also attended.
Ilse was invited to give a speech to the political dignitaries and a crowd of Raika estimated at 5000-7000 people. She recalled that Bhopala Ram Raika had introduced her to the Raika community in 1992, laying the foundation of LPP’s and LPPS’s work in Rajasthan. LPP later invited him to an international meeting in Tanzania and a tour of a camel farm and dairy in Kenya.
Hanwant and Ilse had the opportunity to meet the chief minister and brief her about the needs of camel pastoralists in the state.

During her speech, the Chief Minister held up a copy of a Drynet newsletter with an article about a visit by a Raika delegation to Switzerland and Spain. Their visit had been arranged by LPP and LPPS as part of efforts to promote the rights of livestock keepers. The newsletter is part of LPPS’s contribution to the European Union-funded Drynet project, a worldwide initiative to combat land degradation.
“This is how far the Raika can go”, she said, promising support for camels, which are iconic animals in Rajasthan.

The following day, the Rajasthan Patrika newspaper carried a special article in Hindi about the state government’s commitment to save the camel.
More information
Drynet newsletter 1.2 Mb
Interlaken conference reports

The official report from the International Technical Conference on Animal Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, held in Interlaken, Switzerland, on 3-7 September 2007, is available from FAO. This document includes the Interlaken Declaration on Animal Genetic Resources as well as a Global Plan for Animal Genetic Resources, both adopted by the official delegates to the conference.

The conference also adopted a comprehensive summary on livestock breeds. Titled The State of the World’s Animal Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, this report includes inputs from LPP’s Ilse Köhler-Rollefson, Evelyn Mathias and Paul Mundy.
Non-government organizations organized a side event that ran at the same time as the main conference. This side event focused on aspects that the official government delegates to the conference risked neglecting: the important role of livestock keepers in conserving breed diversity, the role played by the livestock industry in eroding diversity, and the need to switch the focus of livestock development away from animal productivity and towards the needs and potential of the livestock keepers.

LPP was involved in several of the side event activities:
- Susanne Gura organized a session on the livestock genetics industry and its impact in developing countries
- Ilse Köhler-Rollefson organized a session on conserving genes, creating livelihoods – not without livestock keepers rights
- Evelyn Mathias organized a session on endogenous livestock development – supporting poor livestock keepers
- P. Vivekanandan of the LIFE Network (of which LPP is a member) organized a session community level conservation of indigenous animal breeds in India.
In addition, Ilse Köhler-Rollefson and other LIFE members provided reactions to papers presented during a Scientific Forum that immediately preceded the main conference.
Conference report from the International Institute for Sustainable Development
State of the World’s Animal Genetic Resources report
Scientific Forum on Animal Genetic Resources
Livestock industry study revised

A revised and updated version is now available of Susanne Gura’s groundbreaking study on “Livestock genetics companies: Concentration and proprietary strategies of an emerging power in the global food economy”.
This study describes how a few large multinational companies dominate the breeding of cattle, pigs and poultry, and the effects this has on the economy, ecology and society.
The revised study is available in English, German and (soon) Spanish.
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