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New Agriculturist covers livestock issues

The April 2010 issue of the online magazine New Agriculturist contains two items of interest to LPP supporters:
New guidelines for livestock keepers’ rights: A news brief about the Local Livestock for Empowerment (LIFE) Newtork’s guidelines on supporting livelihoods and local livestock breeds.
Adding value to livestock diversity: Marketing to promote local breeds and improve livelihoods: A review of LPP’s latest book on marketing niche products from local livestock breeds.
The New Agriculturist frequently carries stories about livestock and pastoralism. Subscribe to its service to get email alerts about new issues.
Livestock Keepers’ Rights online discussion
Livestock Keepers’ Rights: An important concept for food security?
Online discussion on the FSN Forum and on the Community of Practice for Pro-poor Livestock Development, from 8 March 2010
Do we pursue global food security better by supporting smallholder farmers, agro-pastoralists and pastoralists or commercial producers?
How can we make sure Livestock Keepers rights become a general broadly accepted principle?
The Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition and the Community of Practice for Pro-poor Livestock Development invite interested parties to discuss these and other questions related to the future of Livestock keepers.
The topic is raised by Ilse Koehler Rollefson from the League for Pastoral Peoples and Endogenous Livestock Development. Among the participants will be Antonio Rota from IFAD, Walter Mwasa from CARE International and livestock experts from FAO.
Results of the debate will help with advocacy work and in preparation for the Convention on Biological Diversity 2010 at Nagoya. The main outcomes of the discussion will also be presented at the InterAgency Donor Livestock Group (IADG) Annual Meeting which will be hosted by IFAD in May 2010.
To join the discussion please register on the FSN Forum (register online at: or on the CoP-PPLD website (
Contributions can be made in English, French or Spanish.
For further information please contact: or
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